July 16, 2006

Question of the Every Other Day, 7-16-06

Question: What do you think about the people who say we wrongfully went into Iraq (submitted by JT)

First, JT, let me thank you for the question. If I were to make T-Shirts for the blog and sell them for $25 each you'd get a $1 discount. I care about my loyal visitors.

To those people that say we wrongfully went into Iraq let me tell you that you don't know what it's like to be the President. He has to make tough decisions all the time, and he can't be bothered to make sure we go to war for the right reasons. That's one of those menial tasks he lets his minions take care of. Besides, what's going to happen? A long drawn-out insurgency and widespread corruption while re-building (or just plain first-time building) an entire country's infrastructure? Highly unlikely.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. What about General Schoihodhoih-sky saying we needed to send in more troops from the start? Well, I say BALDERDASH. The amount of troops we sent in was fine. In fact, I'd say we sent in way too many. You give me an M-16 and a little camouflage paint and I could've done the job in 6 months tops. I know I can, I've had extensive training playing SOCOM 2 on Playstation 2. General Schohjhkusrh-sky should've known better. If he didn't, well he sure does now as he sees our troops totally pwning insurgents every day.

Some of you flag-burning hippies probably still aren't convinced that America was right in this one. What about the wmd's? You ask. Why did George Tenet essentially get a promotion after saying that the case against Iraq was a "slam dunk"? Let me tell you something right now, commies, we found the wmd's. We found 500 of them. We knew where they were because we sold them to Iraq. Let me tell you something else, America, George Tenet got no repercussions for what he said because he doesn't even remember saying it. You can't punish a guy for something he can't remember doing. I mean, C'mon, what kind of a country do you think this is?

The next issue brought up is this link that Iraq had to Al-Qaeda/terrorists. Well, I wasn't supposed to reveal this, but I know for a fact that Saddam Hussein was linked with religious zealots. It was only a matter of time before Osama Bin Laden got to him. See, you've got to look into the future on these sorts of things. It was only a matter of time before Iraq became one of the hot-spots of terrorism in the middle-east, with Shias coming from Syria and Iran to help de-stabilize the Middle East. I'm sure glad we stopped that from happening.

Let me, lastly, refute this idea that we went into Iraq for oil. This is completely untrue. Of course, we sure could've used it, since God-hating Libs refuse to let us drill for oil that may or may not exist in Alaska. You know, no good comes in life if we don't spoil nature in the world to find one of the biggest contributors to pollution. The fact that we're simply getting oil from them now means nothing. It's called spoils of war, people. C'mon, W.T. Sherman did it in the Civil War, and no southerner cared. Get with the program.

I'm glad I've shown you America-haters the truth that's out there. We're doing a great job in Iraq, and I'm glad we went in. Oh, and Iran! We have you surrounded!

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